MINUTES OF MEETING WYNNFIELD LAKES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Wynnfield Lakes Community Development District was held Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the University of North Florida, University Center, 12000 Alumni Drive, Room 1090, Jacksonville, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Dr. Kristi Sweeney Chairperson Luis Diaz-Rodriguez Vice Chairman Nate Dickinson Supervisor Jeff Lawton Supervisor Mark Oliver Supervisor Also present were: Daniel Laughlin District Manager Meredith Hammock District Counsel (by phone) Ken Thomas Field Operations Manager -Vesta Lina Hernandez General Manager Dana Harden Vesta Property Services Jay Golomb Coastal Kicks Soccer The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the May 17, 2023 meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Laughlin called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments There being none, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the March 15, 2023 Meeting There were no comments on the minutes. On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Diaz-Rodriguez with all in favor the minutes of the March 15, 2023 meeting were approved as presented. May 17,2023 Wynnfield Lakes CDD FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Request from Coastal Kicks to Use the Athletic Field for Summer 2023 through Spriug 2024 Mr. Golomb informed the Board that Coastal Kicks will maintain the same schedule adhered to in past years for the use of the District's athletic field for the summer 2023 through spring 2024 sessions and reported that participation numbers continue to increase. The percentage fee due to Wynnfield Lakes should total $1,327 for the summer 2022 through spring 2023 sessions. Supervisor Oliver joined the meeting at this time. Dr. Sweeney asked that if the program starts getting close to maxing out in participation, that Wynnfield Lakes residents take priority. On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Dickinson with all in favor the request from Coastal Kicks to use the athletic field for summer 2023 through spring 2024 was approved subject to Wynnfield Lakes residents having priority. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals for Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Services Mr. Laughlin informed the Board that eight proposals were received in response to an informal request for proposals for landscape maintenance services. Mr. Frank Prescuitti of Koehn Outdoor, Mr. Billy Genovese of VerdeGo and Mr. Austin Rice of Martex were present and provided a brief presentation on their companies and the services they would provide for the District. The Board made the motion below to reject all proposals except Koehn Outdoor and VerdeGo Outdoor, which will be considered at the next Board meeting. On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Oliver with all in favor rejecting all proposals except VerdeGo's and Koehn Outdoors', which are to be considered further at the next meeting, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2023-04, Approving a Proposed Budget for Fiscal 2 May 17,2023 Wynnfield Lakes CDD Year 2024 and Setting a Public Heariug Date for Adoptiou Mr. Laughlin stated that the public hearing is scheduled for July 19, 2023, and provided an overview of the budget, noting a 10% increase in assessments is being proposed. The line items that make up the largest portion of that increase are the capital reserve funding and insurance costs. A few of the line items will be adjusted to make up for the increase in insurance costs. On MOTION by Mr. Dickinson seconded by Mr. Lawton with all in favor Resolution 2023-04, approving the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2024 and setting a public hearing for July 19,2023 at 6:00 p.m. was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2023-05, Adopting Amendments to the Amenity Center Policies Mr. Laughlin stated that the amendments being made to the policies are to clarify that smoking is not permitted in the amenity facilities, and skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, golf carts and other motorized devices are not permitted on the sidewalks at the amenity center. Lastly, the policies are being amended to state that food and drinks are not allowed on the pool wet deck. On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Dickinson with all in favor Resolution 2023-05, adopting amendments to the amenity center policies was approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. District Connsel There being nothing to report, the next item followed. B. District Engineer 1. Consideration of Work Authorization No. 5 for Preparatiou of a Stormwater Needs Analysis Mr. Laughlin presented the work authorization from England Thims & Miller, noting there is a lump sum fee of$12,500 being proposed for the analysis. 3 May 17,2023 Wynnfield Lakes CDD Dr. Sweeney stated that she was not comfortable with a lump sum fee of $12,500 but would agree to an amount not to exceed $3,000. On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Oliver with all in favor Work Authorization No.5 from England Thims & Miller for preparation of a stormwater needs analysis was approved at an amount not to exceed $3,000. 2. Proposal for Pond Bank Reinspection Mr. Laughlin presented a proposal from ECS Florida, LLC for reinspecting the pond banks, noting it totals $3,800. Mr. Diaz-Rodriguez stated that the District already knows that there are problems with the pond banks and asked if action is going to be taken on any recommended repairs that come out of the reinspection. Ms. Debbie Carlson, 11607 Wynnfield Lakes Circle, stated that one of the homes on Sunchase built a pool and during construction, bulldozers removed the sod all the way down to the pond bank and the pond bank started eroding down into the pond. Mr. Laughlin stated if the resident's pool vendor caused damage to the pond bank, then the District would need to look into requiring them to make or reimburse the District for any necessary repairs to District property. Dr. Sweeney stated that after the last pond bank inspection, repairs were made and an estimate was requested for rebuilding all of the pond banks and at the time the District was told it was not necessary, however if it needed to be done in the future, the cost was estimated at $600,000, which would require building the capital reserve funds up. On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Dickinson with Mr. Dickinson, Mr. Lawton, Mr. Oliver and Dr. Sweeney in favor and Mr. Diaz-Rodriguez opposed, the proposal from ECS Florida, LLC to reinspect the pond banks was approved. Dr. Sweeney added that her recollection was that a follow up report was needed to see if there have been any changes in order to come back to the table and be prepared to act on any necessary repairs. 4 May 17,2023 Wynnfield Lakes CDD Mr. Diaz Rodriguez stated that if that is the plan, then he will change his vote to be in favor of approving the proposal. c. District Manager Mr. Laughlin informed the Board that a letter of deficiency was sent to Vesta putting them on notice of issues with the cleanliness of the fitness facility, the pool water quality, and debris in the ponds. Ms. Harden addressed the issues stating that she took notes of the issues brought up by a resident at the last meeting and noted that communication is the best line of defense and asked that Lina and Ken be the first contacts for any concerns. Corrections that have been made or will be made are as follows: leaves around the facility will be blown more frequently, the carpets have been steam cleaned, a cracked pool tile has been replaced, the VGB grates have been replaced, and the PH levels in the pool have been corrected. She also noted that the pool was cleaned out this morning, however because there are 22 trees surrounding the pool, it is already full of leaves again due to a recent rain. Additionally, she stated Vesta offers an app and amenity website through which concerns can be reported for fee of $1,800 for the website and $500 for the app. She also proposed adding weekend pool maintenance staffing for three to four hours a day to remove the leaves and ducks. Dr. Sweeney stated that she is not interested in spending more money to have someone here part time but would rather find a way to correct the issues with the staff that the District already has on staff. She also recommended keeping the pool's PH level at 7.4 rather than 7.2 to allow some wiggle room. Additionally, she assured the audience members that the Board is acting as much as they can between meetings to correct issues reported by the residents. Mr. Dickinson concurred with Dr. Sweeney's comments and added that the Board has also taken steps to remedy communication issues, including creating a complaint form. Multiple residents commented on concerns being reported including dead fish in the lakes and pool cleanliness, but not being responded to and/or not being corrected. Dr. Sweeney stated that the first step is to issue a letter of deficiency to Vesta, which has been done. She also stated that the Board also has a fiduciary duty to the community, and changing management companies will likely cost more money. Additionally, a security session is being held during this meeting to address security concerns. Lastly, she stated that she contacted a biology professor regarding the 5 May 17,2023 Wynnfield Lakes CDD fishkill with pictures submitted by residents of the dead fish in the lakes and asked what might have caused the fishkill. The professor responded that the ponds are utopic, mentioned algae and that it is likely that the storms caused the pond to turnover. Ms. Jennifer asked ifthe dead fish will be cleaned up. Dr. Sweeney responded that cleaning the dead fish up is a priority. Ms. Lisa Bullard, 11574 Wynnfield Lakes Circle, stated that she fixed the fence that was run over, the invoice was sent to Mr. Thomas in March, however she has not been reimbursed. Mr. Laughlin stated that he would look into it. D. Operation Manager -Report Mr. Thomas gave an overview of the operations report, a copy of which was included in the agenda package. He also informed the Board there were additional chipped pool tiles found during an inspection, and repairing and/or replacing some of the tiles will require the pool to be drained. The Board directed staffto immediately replace the tiles that do not require draining the pool. Those that require draining will be replaced in the off-season. Mr. Thomas also informed the Board there is a proposal for playground mulch in the agenda package for consideration as more mulch needs to be applied to meet the height requirements. Dr. Sweeney suggested looking at pads to elevate the ground under the swing set. Lastly, Mr. Thomas reported that he received quotes for replacing the fencing around the pickleball courts, securing the bottom with tension wire, and adding four-foot fencing between the courts totaling $6,942 or $8,700. On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Oliver with all in favor the fencing proposal from Accelerated Fence Company totaling $6,942 was approved. The Board tabled the playground mulch proposal and asked Mr. Thomas to look into other options. Mr. Laughlin will look into legal requirements. Dr. Sweeney will look into whether the District would qualify for any grants. 6 May 17,2023 Wynnfield Lakes CDD E. General Manager 1. Report Ms. Hernandez gave the Board an overview of the General Manager's report, a copy of which was included in the agenda package. 2. Proposal for Replacing Damaged Tnrf Mr. Laughlin informed the Board that the original proposal to replace damaged turf was for 4,400 square feet, but after reinspecting the field, the contractor believes an additional 7,800 square feet needs to be replaced due to a decline in the field. The updated proposal totals $19,150. On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Lawton with all in favor the proposal from Koehn Outdoor to replace damaged turf totaling $19,150 was approved. 3. Proposal for Playground Mulch This item was tabled. Ms. Melissa Settle, 11847 Wynnfield Lakes Circle, stated that she turned in a rental request in April and was just told today that all rental reservations are on hold. She asked the Board to approve her reservation for this Saturday. Mr. Laughlin stated that the reservations already on the books are fine. The Board is trying to figure out a better process for future reservations. He also informed the Board that currently there is no staff at the facility when there are weekend rentals and there have been issues. He offered the option of renters paying for a party attendant along with their rental fee. Dr. Sweeney stated that she believes it should be on the residents to control their own parties, and if the rules are not followed, the renters should lose their deposit. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments / Supervisor's Requests There being none, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no other business, the next item followed. 7 May 17,2023 Wynnfield Lakes CDD ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet & Income Statement A copy of the balance sheet and income statement was included in the agenda package. B. Special Assessment Receipt Schednle A copy of the assessment receipts schedule showing the fiscal year 2023 assessments are 100% collected was included in the agenda package. C. Approval of Check Register A copy of the check register totaling $118,225.70 was included in the agenda package. On MOTION by Mr. Oliver seconded by Mr. Diaz-Rodriguez with all in favor the check register was approved. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Security Matters This portion of the meeting was closed to the public in accordance with Sections 119.071(3)(a) and 281.301, Florida Statutes, as the Board discussed matters related to the security system plan. The closed session began at approximately 9:42 p.m. The public portion of the meeting resumed at approximately 9:52 p.m. and the following action was taken. On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Diaz-Rodriguez with all in favor a proposal from Fidelity Security Operations for patrols was approved. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting -July 19, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the University of North Florida, University Center, 12000 Alumni Drive, Room 1090, Jacksonville, Florida 32224 The Board continued the meeting to June 7, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Dr. Sweeney seconded by Mr. Dickinson with all in favor the meeting was continued to June 7, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. 8 May 17, 2023 Secretary!Assista 9